Ave Caesar Key-litter.
1. SE57537/2020 Ave Caesar Key To The Victory * Saba* correct female
2. SE57538/2020 Ave Caesar Key Sucsess Factor *Nala * correct female
3. SE57539/2020 Ave Caesar In The Key Of Life *Cain* Correct male
4. SE57540/2020 Ave Caesar Key To My Heart *Leja* Corrcct female
5. SE57541/2020Ave Caesar Key To A Mystery *Bozze * Correct male
6. SE57542/2020Ave Caesar Major Key * Glen* Correct male

This combination is of great interest to us. Here is some of the representatives of the genealogy. We have already said a lot about Nash's roots because of our Kandy who is his grandfather, but now I still want to emphasize that Nash on the mothers' side of his pedigree is the son of one of the sweetest Kandy's daughters Virra, and it is worth mentioning the deeper layers in pedigree as well, where there is a beautiful liver bitch Buffy and her lovely Rex Venur's parents, they played their role when we chose this particular daughter to form the continuation of Kandy's bloodlines in our kennel.

No less important is the fact that Nash's dad is one of the brightest representatives of the Saimon's Praide kennel, (Breeders Olga Obukhova and Oksana Serova, whose work cannot be overestimated and with whom we have a long-term fruitful cooperation) Noah was exported to Norway to Ridgedog's kennel. It is this very breeders who produced for us Selma, mother to K-litter. About Noah's parents you can read at our page "Nash relativesHERE
Dam to the litter is the RR we co-owned with Leila Landfors. Selma Saimon's Praide Spring Symphony D.O.B: 11 /03-2018 BPH done with gun shot HD:A ED:o
Duke's father is Swedish Masai, a very popular and successful male, bright representative of the famouse swedish kennel Mohagets, breeder: deeply respected by us Johana Segerlund. Many years ago the ancestor of our Kandy Mohaget's Maskot came out of this kennel, hence the ancestor of Nash too, that is, Mohagetts, like Simons Pride, we will have both from the mother of the litter and from the father.
Chase father is an excellent Russian male called Kamal (CH. Sunhillls Ridges Appolon) and his mother is Eva (CH. Saimon's Praide Jewellery Beauty Perfection. Her name is wrong printed in many european pedigreis like "Saimon's Praide Jullari Beauty Perf" what has happened becouse of RKF rulles to spell english name the way how they sound in russian but this is the same lady and her correct name) .