= JORNAL = (in form of blog. Older news below)

11-12-13 dec. Double international +specialty in Russia.
11.12.2020 - IDS - St.Petersburg
Rhodesian Ridgeback - judgе Nadezhda Grigoryeva
12.12.2020 - IDS - St.Petersburg
Rhodesian Ridgeback - judgе Vladimir Aleksandrov.
both days Basinda aka jRUCH Ave Caesar Carnelian Jewel By Royce won BOB junior and adult BOS!
the third day she got CW and club CAC at specialty what made her a candidat to club jCH!
All 3 shows handler and co-owner: Sveta Moroz! Congratulations!
7 dec. Key - puppies have their loving homes and names.
1 dec. Key puppies is ready to move.
29/11. Basinda is junior champion of Russia!!!
22/11. Basinda got her second jCAC!
*Бася* Best junior in breed; Best in breed!
Judge Елена Крюкова & Ирина Соловьёва
Owner / Handler Sveta Moroz: "My little star in her 9 months earned her second J.CAC. I look at our photos and I drool. My ideal. I am overwhelmed with happiness and pride that this is my dog. Breeder Elena Johansson, I never tire of thanking you for such a treasure !!!!"
4/11. Basinda got her first junior CAC!

18/10. Our Star became BIS-2 puppy!
7/10. Welcome K-litter AC!
3/10. We visited Royce x Virra 4 weeks puppies .
DalhemsGårds Mission accomplished by Royce 6 beautiful standard puppies after our Royce and Nash mother Virra. .we are very grateful to breeders Ulrike and Christian for their hospitality and for raising their litter with such love.
22/9. We picked up our Dam to be SELMA!
Selma is qt 47 dag of her pregnancy and she moved to our hoouse now . Thank you Leila Landfors for your hospitaliy . Selma has confidently blended into our pack and she clearly likes the attention of everyone, including the two-legged. She is very gentle and easy to love and pamper. We have already collected a puppy box and she willingly rests there. and just as happily shares walks with our big flock
20/9. Blood-tracking Ave -Caesar traditionell reunion!
One more happy day with RR-activities. We were 11 ridgebacks but our 3 (Rubi-Nash-Royce) went no tracking due there were only 8 track in the forest so thet had to let veterans (Lisi and Jack) go instead. Who were starting today?
*LISI * Viltspår champion Saimon’s Praide Ecstasy of Felicity 1st price in open class Lisi is our foundation bitch.
*LEXUS* Ave Caesar Cos’ I Am The One 1st price in open class . Lexus is after (Titikaka x Charena) our AC Celebration-litter.
* SWEETY” Ave Caesar Sweet Harmony 1st price in open class Sweety is after (Kapten x Lisi ) our AC Harmony-litter.
* LUDDE* Viltspår champion LADUREE from Paris Out Of Africa 1st price in open class (Kandy x Paris) Exported from France and Kandy’s champion progeny
* JACK* Viltspår champion Ave Caesar Armagniac 1st price in open class . Jack is afetr (Kandy x Kjara) our Alfa-litter and also Kandy’s champion progeny
*EROS* Ave Caesar Ganymedes godkänd anlags prov (Noah x Virra) GenerationNext-litter
* ELVIS” Ave Caesar Imagine Your Dream godkänd anlagsprov (Atuin x Nova) Imagine-litter
*AMBER* Ave Caesar Amber Jewel Of Rubi 350 m. Amber is after (Royce x Rubi) our AC Jewelery litter.
And one family could not come today they went yesterday with the great sucsess:
*Moyo* Beyond compare from Ridges Custel. 1st price in open class = He became CHAMPION! Congratulations to Anna Nordklev! Moyo is Kandy's champion progeny (Export Russia)
9/9. Blood-tracking Ave -Caesar traditionell reunion!
Five representatives of our worthy team took part at the blood trail! We are proud to announce that everyone has shown themselves perfectly!
The young Atlas (Ave Caesar Imagine True Magic) went first and received his working diploma and a lot of praise from the judges. Congratulations to Linnea Leth and thank you for you can come so long distance to meet us and let Atlas this possibility! Hope you you had useful time at handlings private lesson we had too!
Then Nash (CH. Ave Caesar Great Galaxy), who is already a champion in this sport, but yesterday I interfered with him very much running with my camera, in order to shoot a working dog for one Russian magazine, so he paused when he found me in the next bushes and wonder a little bit if we are playing some other game this time, but still passed all the way perfectly!
Then came the time for Royce (CH. Ave Caesar Drive I Am Your To Keep-BISS 17) , who use to be taken with us as usually as a "bargaining chip": if there was a free trail, he was allowed to work, and if a lot of people came, he was left without a track. But yesterday he had luck and got the chance and again has been proved his rights to be proud of the title SEVCH! He walked the trail absolutely perfectly, which earned him another rosette "honorary prize", which the judge does not give out more than three a year! We are extremely proud!
Then Norton went (CH: Ave Caesar In Harmony With Love)! This Ridgeback is always trained by his wonderful "parents" and breed enthusiasts, he was the youngest of the Harmony litter to complete his champion title on the trail and yesterday again proved his ability to work perfectly! Congratulations to Catrine and Peter Roos.
Then came the turn of Kandy son Moyo's (Beyond Compare From Ridges Custle)! Clever, he made us happy by getting the second "FIRT" in the open class and now he has only one left to the title of champion! Congratulations to the owner Anna Nordklev! And breeder Sveta Moroz!
You were so fantastic fellows all of you! I'm proud of everyone! You did a great job and we all had much fun together!!! Pleasure to see how happy your RRs are!ante orci ut diam.
7/9. Hot news: Selma confirmed pregnant today!
6/9. Basinda won res Best In Show at International DS Samara .
2/9. Royce became a father to a wonderful litter .
29/8. Open show for two J-puppies .
27/8. Nash became a father to the beautiful litter at Villagedog's kennel.
23/8. 1st BD for Ave-Imagine-puppies.
*Imagine * puppies celebrate their first real BIRTHDAY! We love you all:
1. Ave Caesar Imagine You Are Mine *KENZO*
2. Ave Caesar Imagine Your Dream *ELVIS*
3. Ave Caesar Imagine Pure Love *AZZORO*
4. Ave Caesar Imagine Believe Achieve *ASTOR*
5. Ave Caesar Imagine No Limit *MAYA*
6. Ave Caesar Imagine Infinity *GAMBA*
7. Ave Caesar Imagine A Future With Me *JAXON*
8. Ave Caesar Beyond Imagination *LEON*
9. Ave Caesar Imagine And Inspire *LOKE*
10. Ave Caesar Imagine True Magic *ATLAS*
11. Ave Caesar All I Imagine Is You *RONJA*
the 21 of August. 9d BD for Ave-A-"Puppies"
ABBA Dancing Queen - ABBA-
Apple Pie - AGNES-
Apriori - JAFFA-
Amparo De Fortuna - KIRAH -
Atilla - MANGO-
Ahilles - AHILLES-
Armagniac - JACK -
Aquilifer - ZIGGE-
Antonio Banderas -PLUTO-
Agent Double O Seven - DINO-
Adriano Celentano- - SUNE-
Adzurro -ZORRO- Not with us any more
8/8. Mental Test for 4 Ave Ridgebacks
One more magic date 20200808 (or 08082020 in russian way) we had a fantastic day with wonderful team BB group lead by Barbro Börjesson and 3 more judges were Annika Varga Olssson, Magnus och Camilla Eklund Engvall.
4 Ave RR participated at Mental Test: 1. Henry aka NORD V-19 SE VCH Ave Caesar Your Fame And Fortune,
2. Boston aka Ave Caesar Gwydion,
3. Nash aka SEvCH RUCH LTCH Ave Caesar Great Galaxy
4. Mony aka jNORD V-19 Ave Caesar Eve Graced Harmony
. Thank you all Ave owners who are so active with their RR We congrats you for such good result! Much more pic to come but right now one per dog)
27/7. Show news
21/7. Show news
BEST IN SHOW BABY for Basya <3.
Handler and happy owner Света Мороз (Sveta Moroz).
Ave Caesar Carnelian Jewel By Royce at her first show got BOB baby BIG baby and Best In Show. It was 4 shows in the night time and only one was so succsessful but we are over the moon! Especially becouse of Basinda'a temperament. Everything was complitelly nytt. Long trip to the black see and night time and so many loudly sounds and so many waiting time too.
20/7. Happy Birthday to Generation Next-litter

18/6. Silver is Norvegian champion!
17/6. mini re-union with Ave Puppies
13/6. Penny's successful debut at show
BOB puppy by judge Per Lundström and then Best in group and BEST IN SHOW-3 puppy. Many congratulations to Frida Pettersson Björn Gustavsson and Jenny Giannoglou!
10/6. Henry is SEVCH today
27/ 5. Basinda got her breedings examination.
24/ 5. Re-Union Ave Caesar RRs. Racing training
Re-union of Ave RRs with racing training May 2020
We had very exciting days with our beautiful ridgebacks and their pleasant owners.
A-litter: Jack
B-litter - Russkiy and Niya's family with her beautiful daughter Vera
D-litter Royce
G-litter Nash
H-litter Mony and Norton
J-litter Luna and Penny
and our legen Lisi
9/ 5. Mony's mental test done.
9/ 5. Nash training obidiens.
2/ 5. Nash training raicing.
25/ 4. Sweety's mental test done.
17/ 4. Nash become a father.
We are so happy and proud to introduce Nash's first litter was born at German kennel Banda La Farasi Breeder Uta Wilhelmi. 7 beautiful puppies of witch 2 boys and 5 girls, all with the correct ridges. More info at Utah’s web soon. Delivery was natural , Tea and puppies feel good.
We are very thankful to two other breeders who helped us all the way Claudia Körner, who represents us to each other and Heike Jäger, who was with us here for two months ago when we had successful mating! And also took this beautiful pictures and created this magnificent announcement in which she used motives of our area where happy meeting took place.))

29/3. Jewellery puppies have moved to their new homes
This is the dog of my dreams! And, despite the fact that I always considered myself a “male’s mom”, Lisi turned my attitude towards bitches. She has EVERYTHING that the ridgeback owner can dream of! Her mind and ingenuity, her cheerful disposition, her ability to work, her unreal beauty, her maternal qualities and her health, her willingness to accept new challenges ALL is in her and even a little more. I bought this dog at the call of my heart. I didn’t choose the stack, but simply, when walking in the forest with Kandy and Jack, I saw on the net a photo of a brown nose from Natalia Alferova’s timeline on FB, who was unknown to me at that time, who owned Lisi’s mother Bella and who had Saimon’s Pride litter of exclusively liver puppies in her house. Yes, Willy and I sometimes talked about how it would be nice to experience the liver, but in fact we did not seriously prepare for it and did not make efforts to find this liver, and suddenly, just from a photo of the nose on the sofa, not yet knowing her origin and about her impeccable structure, my heart sank: this is my dog! And these are exactly the words that I say to her when I say love to her: MY DOG!You ARE MY dog! I am happy and proud that I shared my life with Lisi and count the days before she returned from a business trip to Kerstin with a mission to save Jack’s mood.
Yes, I admit, there was another reason, we wanted to free ourselves temporarily in order to carry out the operation to rescue Willy abroad. She became the first whom we temporarily identified and others stood in line, too. But, due to the fact that all movements around the world are temporarily not relevant, Lis finally comes back home. Waiting for you, my dog, and counting the days before our reunion!
12/3. We expecting Nash puppies in Germany
We are happy to report that our Nash will be Sir to Uta Wilhelmi's next litter ( april 2020) at kennel Banda La Farasi out of beautiful female * TEA* aka Banda La Farasi I'm Tea. It’s personally noteworthy to me that Tea's previous litter was afte Sonny who is grandson to Kandy as well. Information about this can be found on the Banda La Farasi website. This beautiful annons made by Heike Jäger using the motives of our beautiful area, where the happy mating took place
8/3. Cruft's 2020
Time flies fast, and dog's time even faster. Yesterday we were proud of the direct descendants of our Kandy, and today it's time to be proud of their descendantsmy. This year at the biggest show in the world CRUFT's the best dog and reserve the best both are son's of Kandy's daughter Kiruna <3
Many congratulations to Stefanie Radke, the owner of Sonny (Ndoki Highlander) to Petra Mickael Bossard's team the owner of the George (Ndoki Gentle George) and the biggest congratulations to our very best Claudia Körner THE BREEDER of Ndoki's beautiful RRs

20/2. Jeweller puppies are 20 days old
it’s very exciting to have puppies from a couple who are both your own RRs and which you raised from puppyhood. This is family photo of us with the whole litter. You can read about them at their ownd page. Photos courtesy of Heike Jäger.

17/2. Rubi's Birthday today
happy birthday to you my precious girl RUBI!
You flew from faraway Australia and took with you so much joy and positive emotions you brought into our lives! You gave us so many reasons for pride ! You made fus riends with the extraordinary Friedland family! You gave birth 8 wonderful jewelry puppies! Thank you, our gem, we have so many years together in future and hope they will be as happy as these 4!!
15/2. Norton is bloodtracking champion!
2/2. Jewellery litter was born
NOW! on this magic mirror date 0202-2020
8 charming puppies were born (of which 4 females and 4 males). Our long-awaited jewelry litter in which parents are an inseparable couple ! Our " Rough and Tough" . We are extreemly happy! Rubi is doing a great job as a mom, and takes perfect care of her little ones. Many thanks to my breeders Linda and Emma Friedland for such a treasure as Rubi is! Thank you Kristina Rense for your inestimable contribution during delivery!
Please join us in welcoming Mr Red Garnet, Miss Purple Amethyst, Miss Blue Sapphire, Mr White Jade, Miss Green Emerald, Mr MR Platinum, Miss Orange Turmarine, Mr Yellow Topaz! Seven are show ridged and one has pet ridge. All are strong and even.
Thank you all for attantion to this beautiful litter but we have no possibility to answer your all letter. Don't be sorry we need time.

1/2.Lillie is bloodtracking champion!
19/1. Bloodtracking meeting for AVE - ridgebacks.
AVE CAESAR GANYMEDES * Eros* Approved apptitude test
AVE CAESAR HARMONY MAKER *Lex* 1st priz in open class track
AVE CAESAR IN HARMONY WITH LOVE *Norton* Approved apptitude test
AVE CAESAR EVER GRACED HARMONY *Mony* 1st priz in open class track
AVE CAESAR FORTUNATE STAR *Lillie* 1st priz in open class track
AVE CAESAR SWEET HARMONY * Sweety*Approved apptitude test
SAIMON'SPRAIDE WELCOMETO AVE CAESAR *Wella" 1st priz in open class track
11/1. Bloodtracking meeting for AVE puppies.
We had a very nice re-union with bloodtracking tests at Bojetorpet!
Thank you our dear Ave-owners families all of you for coming and making this day very happy!
Both judges Inger and Roger were really impressed with how good all the puppies were in the track! Congratulations to the prowd owners and us!
Adult RR on official tracks got:
1. Lillie (Ave Caesar Fortunate Star) 1st in open track
2. Nash (Ave Caesar Great Galaxy) 1st in open track
3. Lex (Ave Caesar Harmony Maker aptitude test!
Our best Kerstin Larsson helped and come with two of our adult RRs
All the ridgebacks showed their best sides and they were rewarded with fantastic fun play with each other.