=Dagbok= ( older news below.)
France. Our wonderful finish of the year.
We went to Nice over Christmas and NY and had the same gang of RR as usual. The old guard.
Swedish gold list.
Saimons Praide Ecstasy of Felicity for Ave Caesar is Swedens 5th most winning Ridgeback female and she is only 1 year old!
I am so very proud to see that even if Lisi have started 2014 only as a junior she ended up as SWEDENS 5th! with 5 cert and 2 CACIB. Fantastic girl she answers her given name FELICITY.
Charena was shown much less but has got 11 place any way! My beautiful russians girls! Way to go!
In our big international family there are more successful ridgebacks. Charena's son MIX became 5th most winning male in Finland. here is report from Miia: Mix only in five shows this year and still 5th best male ridgeback on TOP10 list. They count the results from 7 shows. So quite nice result for a Junior. Mix show results from year 2014 (5 shows): 3 x BOB, 4 x CAC, BM-3, BM-4, FIN JW-14!!!
7/12. We visited our beloved "puppy" Kras. Lisi in Serbien
Over the first weekend of December me and Lisi had a mini- vacation and flew to Serbien to visit our Kras and his wonderful family. They both took part in an Int Dog Show and won with a great success. Ave Caesar Born with Hope puppy class (BOB PUPPY too) and Lisi CW Best female and Best of breed. CAC and CACIB.
All the time exept show Lisi and Kras had wonderful time together playing uninerrupted and we had wonderful time.
14/11. Lego is a CHAMPION of two contries!
We had a very nice weekend in Norway participation at international show dog 4 all and met many good friends! For Lisi was not more than 2nd in her class EX with CQ both days . The most important was a great success for Kandy's son Lego who got Nuch and SE UCh. at Norwigian winner sjow. Grattis Liv!
13/11. Kirah fick a new titel!
10/11. Rest in peace Rio.
his Monday a terrible accident claimed the life of our beloved girl Rio. (Evergraces Kandy Crush Rio)
At the long morning walk she managed to get run into electroshepherd and made off in panic of pain then. A very large groupe of people were seaching her for hours but unfortunately it all ended tragic: Rio died in a trafic acident.
no words can express how sad we all are. Frida and Björn we are truly sorry for your loss. we send you a big warming hug. Rio left pawprints in our hearts.
8/11. Chita won "rossia-2014"
We are so very happy over Chita's come back to show ring after her litter at our kennel. Yulia Taran her owner worked with Chita's form, they have been visited sweeming pool regulaly and here is the result. Tina Trading Chita under strict eye of John Comerford (Australia) - kennel Ridgesetter in age of 5+ is best of breed among 98 entered ridgebacks at one of the biggest dogs events of Russia. Congratulations to Chita to Yulia and to us who are big and loving Chita's RR family!
2/11. Växjö int. dog show.
Ave Caesar Born for Fame - STACY- made her debut i show ring. Katriina Öberg made her debut as a handler too! Both was fantastic! Lisi - 2nd place in int. class. Ex with CQ. Charena - 1st place in champion class. Excellent with CQ and second best female. Ayoka with Sofie supported us and all girls had fun a while after show. Kandy kids Evergraces Rio o Busse was exhibited in junior class. Rio (Evergrases Kandy Crush Rio) won the junior class with Excellent and CQ!You guys are so nice and very well together equipage!Thank you all for lovely time!
24 /10. Eurodogshow-2014
We went to Brno the 21 of Okt in group of Willy-Elena-Olivia Petrova-Russkiy-Lisi. Ferry was cosy and our 4-fet liked it as much as we did. the 22 of okt we drived whole day long and only stayed for dogs wakl. The same day we arrived to Katka-Marek- Honzik-Titi-paiper 's hospital home and had a lovely dinner (up to 4 a.m). Next day we enjoed Chzeck and Katka and our RRs wolk. In the evening we visited unusual beer restaurante where you can get beer without to leave you table! Nice place! Don't warry Steph it is only looke like Olivia took part in beer party))).Dog show 23 okt was close to crush because of we came to late to Brno (driving from Ostrava with terrible trafic situation). We rush to ring and we had no camera so no pictures from the first day. Russkiy became 2:a in puppy class and Lisi only Excellent. The same resultat we had next day at Eurodogshow where concurens was much stronger. We were very happy to meet 3 of Kandy x Honzina's progeny. They were showed at baby class (7 entries) first time in the show ring and have got :
- : Darren Dino by Silamja VP2, Dalair Ronny by Silamja VP3, Diara Garp by Silamja P4.Wonderful children! Congratulations to Silvie Vácha Silamja-RRkennel. The last picure in this albom are all about our trip.
18-19/10. ABBA became LC champion of two countries
LC championat at Hailuoto, Finland.
Ave Caesar ABBA Dancing Queen-2nd place 457 points and the last cert wich made her a Finish LC Champion now! And her Estonian certs now made her CH in Estland too. Her mom Podarok is Afriki Bliss Bounty- veteran 198 points, 5th place
25/9. Kandy became a father again
Beautiful Zoe S37272/2009 gave birth 8 woners today. All feel excellent. More info at Loinridges web site
18/9 Lure Coursing.
Vi är mycket gladda attfler av vår RR familj delta i Lure Corsing. Hundarna känner sig lyckliga och vi själva ihar möjlighet att träffas oftare! Lilla HAPPY (5,5 månader) gjorde sin debut
Preikestolen - Lysefjord, Norge.
Wonderful experience. We (Elena Willy Kandy and Lisi) visited unforgettable place. Tired but happy we climbed and hiked ca 6 km to the plato Preikestolen and back during 5 hours and it worth it!
14/9. Int Dog show Stavanger.
Lisi took part at international dog show in Stavanger and first won intermedia class with CQ and then bacame 3d best female with norwigian CAC . Judge: Marjatta Pylvänäinen-Suorsa.
12 /9. Kandy's ofspring in Shavano's kennel
We went to Norway to visit Hanne and Jon Neergaard (Shavano's kennel) and was very happy to spend a wonderful time with the whole pack.Puppies are so lovely and due they are 8 weeks now they started to move to their new oenersso we've met part of them too!
7/9. Int.dog show Sandviken
Int. show i Högsbo Bruk the 7th of Sep 2014. TT Charena - BOB ; Lisi -4th Best Bitch. Judge: KUMPUMÄKI VELI-PEKKA
6/9. Club show SRRS ( Årsta slott.)
Club Show SRRS at Årsta Slott Saimon’s Praide Ecstasy of Felisity for Ave Caesar was placed 2'nd intermediate bitch Excellent with CQ and a wonderful critique! And she got Best Liver .Ridgeback . Domare :LUNDSTRÖM PER.
Tina Trading Charena got a Ex with CQ and became 3d in strong Champion class.
That was very happy day because we met our pups: Niya (Ave Caesar Bititi Ewas) and Russkiy (Ave Caesar born with Love). Niya made her show debut and became 2d in baby class with HP and wonderful critique
And Russkiy was judged inofficial (he was not enered but Per Lindström was kinde enoght and looked at him carefully). He has got an excellent description! Thank you Johanna for showing him so well!
6/9. Puppies meeting
4/9. LC racing for Ave Ridgebacks
We are happy that more of our Ridgebacks will join us in this exciting sport. Ave Caesar Apple pie ( Agnes), Ave Caesar Aqueliffer (Zigge), Ave Caesar Armagnac (Jack) and most experienced of this groop Ave Caesar Amparo De Fortuna (Kirah) = 4 litter siblings run after Lure tonigt and have pleasure and much FUN! Many THANKS to the owners for such a good care of your Ave Ridgebacks and it was so nice to meet you again! We did not make any photos and the photos below is taken one week earlier.
The 31st of aug. Ridgebacks race at Västerås.
Efter en lång resa till Västerås fick vi uppleva en fantastisk dag vid VHS hund kapplöpnings banna. Ett väl arrangerarat träff med cirka 30 stuken tillresta RR. Vackert väder gjorde det hela inte sämre.
Våra 4 ridgebackar var laddade inför uppgiften och gjorde väl ifrån sig.
Vi är mest stolta över vår veteran. Kandy visade att även om man kommit lite till åren hänge man väl med. Både på grund av rutin samt livslyst.
Charena träffade sin son Tarujen Ave Maximilian (Charlie) en välväxt trevlig hund som var på bana för första gången. Båda son och mor visade fint resultat! Och vi var mycket glada att träffa hela Charlies familj !
Lisi och Jack fick andra placering i lång loppet. (1,5 ban varv). Lisi är ochså nybörjare och smittades av Jacks entusiasm. De båda har fått fina medaljer.
Alla människor vi möte idag var mycket trevliga och hjälpsamma och vi hoppas att träffa er igen snart!
The 24th of aug. Bakamo nds.
Yes today I 'm very happy! And it is not show news what make me feel so! I've got a letter from very respectful breeders and I'm over the moon! But more about it I can not tell yet. So you will get our show result insead ;-) At nat.dog show Bakamo (judge : SVARSTAD PER) my girls won Lisi Intermedia class and Charena champion class (she was along in her class) And Lisi became 4th best female.
The 17 of Aug. Eskilstuna. My girls rocked the ring.
Nat dog show Eskilstuna. Charena and Lisi got 2nd and 3d best Bitch places (43 entries) Charena's pic comming sonn. (Camera's battery were finished) but Lisi's pic are below. Judge: HJELMTVEDT LARS.
Kandys daughter Rio wan her class with CK.
Den 10 aug. A-B- valpkullar på viltspår kurs.
Dem dagen var oförglömlig! Vi lyckades att samla båda kullar A- och B! Himla trevligt att träffa er alla som kunde komma! Så stolt att alla små och stora var så duktiga på viltspår!
Alla 4 B-valpar (Ayoka, Niya, Stacy och Happy) klarade sin spårsök på bästa sätt! Mina erfarna äldre "valpar" fick 1:or allihopa! Grattis till Zigge! Grattis till Agnes! Grattis till Pluto! Och ännu en gång grattis till vår Jack som med sin 1:an avslutade sin viltspårchampionat! SVCH! Ni är underbara allihopa vårt bästa gäng!!!
WDS-2014 Helsinki.
Thanks to Anne Sassi who invite me to show Charena's kids at such a big event as WDS and thanks to Sabine Kutzner who help us to take care of my pack over these days I had WONDERFUL days with Tarujen kennel and friends at Helsinki! Thank you Anne for your hospitality for your soo good care about our children! So many impressions and meeting with old and new friends! What a days! Huge congratulations to Tarujen kennel with your great success at such a big competitions as WDS!!!
Den 2 Aug. Jönköping
Egentligen var det triple show så rättare sagt 1-2-3 aug. Men den andra var roligast dag för vår pack. Lisi blev BIR samt fick sin första CACIB. Judge Lenni Finne. Den sista dagen Lisi fick sin tredje CAC i Sv.
Den 30 Juli. Valpträff
Vi hade underbar kväll hos familj Öberg på Flatön, Orust. Stacy och Russkiy busade hela kvällen till "tanten" Lisi bestämd att fostra de lite. Under så "skrämande " hot började de pussas i stället men snart uppfattade de att Lisi är ingen riktig fröken och fortsätte sin bus-tur på nytt. Så gulliga och trevliga samt outtröttliga små! Tack Katriina och Börje för underbar middag och för en fantastisk kväll! Tack Stephani och Olivia att ni kunde komma!!!
the 20th of July.
We are happy to inform that Kandy became a dad again! Beautiful Tequilla gave birth 11 puppies!
19 juli. Bojetorpträff
I dag har vi varit på Bojetorpet på deras årliga samling över 100 personer med hundar var på plats.
Upplägget för dagen var start med frukost och sedan var dagen fylld med aktiviteter med endast avbrott för lunch, möte med vildsvin upphängt på vajer, hur man dresserar jakthundar samt uppvisning av apporterande hundar.
Teoridelen inleddes med jaktinslag, vetrinär var på plats och visade omläggning av sårskador samt svarade på frågor, även kloklippning utfördes.
Dagen avslutades med kaffe och hembakat samtidigt med lotteridragning
den 14 juli .
Alla våra 4 RR deltog i viltspår prov. Tjejer fick godkänd anlagsprov och killarna blev Kandy 2.a i ÖK och Jack 1:a. Tack Inger och Roger för underbar kväll i ert vackra område och som alltid trevlig bemötande. Se fram emot att ha valpträff hos er snart!
28 Juni 2014. -SÄK Borås Nat
Vi hade en trevlig dag på nat utställning i Borås. Underbar debut för Kandys son Moyo (Beyond Compare from Ridges castel) Han har vunnit junior klass och fåt fantastiskt kritik av min favorit domare stor ras specialist Christian Jouanchicot, France .
Charena ex i Ch klass utan CK och LISI först blev bäst junior sedan best tik och till slut BIR! Fantastiskt flicka! Tack Christian att du förlåter min dålig handling och alltid ser hundens kvalitet istället!
The same weekend (28-29 juni). Kandy's offspring great success.
Norway: At Svolvær Hundefestival Lego (Coolridged Banjoko By Kalahari) BOS the 28 of Juni i and BOB + Big1. Lofoten
Holland: Amon had his show debute on the clubshow in Almelo (NL) he entered babyclass together with handsome brother Ayize. Both Amon and Ayize gained Very Promissing from the judge, Amon was placed 1st and Ayize 2nd. Sister Ayla also entered baby class and gained 1st Very Promising too ! So proud of the puppies!!
In the ring of honor, Amon was placed as Best baby in Show !!
25 Juni. Russkiy på besök
Idag har våra "Blessed" valpar blivit 3 månader gammla! Vi hade tur och lyckades att träffa en av älskade barna. Ex. Mr Blue hade vägarna förbi och jag är mycket tacksam till Janis Stephanie och Maxim för att de hittade möjlighet att besöka oss idag. Mr Blå heter Russkiy nu och det namn passar honom mycket väl! Han är väldig trevlig kille smart och busig. Framförallt är han BUSIG! Söt som honung och mycket lik sin matte Stephanie. Russliy verkligen älskar hela sin flock och ge dem mycket glädje och anledningar att vara stolt över. Tyvärr lyckades inte jag med några stå bilder på honom. Lättare var att göra bilder på deras bus med Lisi som i sin tur var överlycklig att träffa Russkiy.
21-22-23 juni 2014 Jack i kär.
19 juni. Valpträff
We had very special event yesterday. Thanks to our Czech friends who are visiting Sweden right now our puppies (3 of Ave Caesar Blesed litter) have met their handsome father Titikaka! Thank you all who could come to us and share this gladness inside our Ridgeback family! Katka Vlckova Marek Vlcek Honzik Helen and Pontus Varga Vincent + Annie Peter Susan Amelia and Johanna Falk Katriina Börge and Alexander Öberg Carola And Lisa Runge Galina Matasova. We were around 20 tailless and 9 Ridgebacks.
17 juni . Hurra till Kirah!
AVE CAESAR AMPARO DE FORTUNA - första viltspår champion i vår kennel! Stort grattis till Erika o Lars Ljungberg! Att ni är så aktiva med eran ridgeback ledde till att alla era gemensamma ansträngningar timmar och arbete bekräftat med champion titeln och Kirahs 4placering i RALLYLYDNAD guldlistan! Vi är mycket stolta över resultaten!
14-15 Juni.
Wonderful weekend at BISS-2014 Lots of meetings with friends and many beautiful dogs!
The main event – is TITIKAKA! Such a lovely boy ! The father of our litter ! His Lovely family is visiting Scandinavia and we have pleasant time together !
No less joyful - meeting with beloved Kandy's children Evergraces Part of Kandy Crush litter 4 wonderful ridgebacks and their lovely owners!
On Sunday my girls took part at show: Lisi is 2 excellent in junior class with CK and Charena in Champion - excellent with CK no placement . Charena has got award for 2013 . She is in gold list despite the fact she had a litter this year and took part only at 3 shows.
Also on the same weekend we visited ZeZavanes RR-kennel : my Jack's first litter! Nice puppies with perfect temperament ! They are only a 6, as part of them have already departed to their new families. but we were very pleased with the rest!
ZeZavanes RR-kennel.
10 juni . Sol o bad.
9 juni 2014. Lisi på träningen.
8 Juni 2014.
En trevlig dag hos InandaMmellbergKennel.
Tack Marie Wijkander för givande kurs i viltspår sjikligt lagda spår för den mer vana Kandy på 650 m som han klarade av godkänt samt för vår nybörjare Lisi 150 m som hon klarade galant utan att missa en enda gång vi är riktigt förvånade över hur bra det gick.
Gästfriheten hos Marie gör att man i en avspänd miljö kan diskutera hundar dricka kaffe och småprata i största allmänhet.
Tack skall du ha Marie för att du tog dig tid med oss
Nästa steg är Viltspårkurs introduktion hos IMK för våra valpköpare! Spännande! Info kommer !
4 Juni 2014.
Very happy news from Germany! Kandy's daughter Ndoki Etara Kiruna gave birth to 15 (!) wonderful and healthy puppies! The Ndoki G-litter has arrived and we welcome 12 strong boys and 3 beautiful girls!
den 11 maj. SRRS Specialen.
Tånga Hed: Charena 2:a CH ( EX with CK)
Lisi 4:a Junior ( EX with CK) + Best liver!!!
The 10th of May.
Today at SKK Nat in Lidköping my females repeated their placement but changed their places: Tina Trading Charena is 2nd best Bitch (CW EX with CK) and Saimons Praide Ecstasy of Felisity for Ave Caesar is 4th best bitch (CW EX with CK) and both got really wonderful critique! The Judje was BUVIK ANNE, NO
Den 4 Maj.
Charena har klarat sin BPH
.. Samma dag tränade ABBA (Ave Caesar ABBA Dancing queen) Lure Coursing. Abba är Fins Champion i denna spännande sport.
The 2 of May.
Thanks to our puppies we have lots of visitors everyday, but it is not only future owners but our old RR friends and RR relatives! Basically Kandy’s family! Kandy’s breeders, Kandy’s children and Kandy’s siblings visited us! We was very happy to meet Ave Caesar Antonio Banderas (Pluto ) from our first litter with his charming owner Anneli Berg
Several photos of the day when we took a nice walk with him, Kandy and Lisi..
Den 30 de April.
Vilken underbar dag vi har haft idag! Ewa o Sven har varit på besök och det är alltid lika trevligt att spendera tid med kunniga hund-människor. Synd att tiden gick så fort.Willy grillade oxfilé och Ewa har bakat smaskig kladdkaka! Mums! Ska vi inte träffas oftare?! Valparna var mycket glada att träffa Ewa som hjälpte dom att komma till världen! Alla mina hundar faktiskt var lyckliga att träffa er! Tack för idag! Kram!!!
The 24th of April.
Our Puppies turned 1 month today! They all developing well and give us many happy moments.
You can find their diary at pups own page.
The 20th of April.
Lisi (Saimons Praide Ecstasy of Felisity for Ave Caesar) has got her result and she is free from dysplasia !
Den 13 april 2014.
Idag blev vår Jacksson lycklig pappa till 9 underbara små RR i Skåne. Mamma Zamba och hennes barn mår mycket bra och vi får mera nyheter senare.
Top dogs i COURSING .
We are so proud of the achievements of our girls in Lure coursing! Information from the European site Coursing (http://www.coursing.eu/index.php?page=topdogs) : best in breed Rhodesian Ridgeback is ABBA (Ave Caesar ABBA Dancing Queen), and second is her mother - Kjara ( Podarok is Afriki Bliss Bounty) who is 8 y o! Congratulations to active owners: Natalia Petrovas and Niko Osskin.
The 3d of April.
Our fantastic 6 ridgebacks turned 10 days today and you can find their pictures at puppie's page
THE 24 of MARCH.
Chita gave birth 6 wonderful babies:3 girls and 3 boys the 24th of March! All pups are 450-490 gr with beautiful ridges! DS is not detected at the moment.
At this time, as well in case with the first Ave-Caesar litter, we had the honour to receive invaluable assistance in obstetrics from wonderful person experienced breeder and breed-mother to my Kandy Ewa Stranne. Thank you again for everything you already done and still doing for us! Your knowledge and competence, your ability to make the right decisions at the right time made this happiness possible!
Special congratulation to Yulia Taran who is Chita’s loving owner. Chita became mom for the first time and her babies just wonderful! Soon Yulia will come here to meet her big family!
Katka and Marek! Your Titikaka who is MR perfect for us is with us now! In six copies! And it makes us very happy!! Say him CONGRATULATIONS and kiss him in his nose 6 times please! More about our Bblessed pups you can find at their own page!
the 20th of March. Kandy met Honzina.
Kandy had his very happy date! Every man dreams of a "cover girl". Beautiful femal Honzina is not only the most successful RIDGEBACK in the Czech Republic, as well as a model for the company Royal Canin. They realy liked each other and happily mated and we look forward to posterity in May!
Den 17 Mars. Dags att träna hopp igen
The 9th of March 2014.
I am very pleased with the result of Strängnäs int dog show this weekend. Judge: Leni Finne. Both my girls won their class:
Lisi (Saimons Praide Ecstasy of Felisity for Ave Caesar) Junior Class Winner with CK and Charena Champion Class winner with CK. So they met in competition for best bitch and Lisi (11 months) became 2nd best bitch with rCAC (HAPPY me!!!) Charena – 4th best bitch.
Thank you Malin and Lukas Bohlin for your company and great support! Malin you did such a good presentation of Lisi!
Best ending of this happy day - meeting with the Bosse (KANDY x BUFFY)! What a wonderful child! Thank you Jenny and Nelly for your hospitality!
The 8 th of March 2014.
Today our unbeatable "Russian Rocket" Ave Caesar ABBA won winter LC competitions (coursing) in Finland 9 Rhodesian Ridgeback came to start! She won over all again with CACL! She's simply the best! But even nicer to report the news of her legendary mother, who came second (?) L! Kjara is 8 years old! congratulations!!!
Once again, the names of the winners:
1. SE50509/2011 Ave Caesar ABBA Dancing Queen
2. Podarok is Afriki Bliss Bounty
Their loving owners Natalia Petrovas & Niko Osskin!
We are super proud of u all!!!
18-22 feb 2014.
Kandy became a happy dad again!!! The 18th of February 2014 beautiful LANA (Red Pack's Addicted to My Way) gave birth to the 10 wonderful kids and I hurried there to visit grown Dutch family and share with them this joyful event! 3 wonderful days at Kuanzia Kani kenel! Lovely time at Ilse's hospitality house in a big RR family with our 10 sweet Kandy -Lana's puppies and beautiful adult dogs mom Lana, her dad Kani (Malozi Jamboni) and Darell van de Jack Bulls Hoeve. Thank you Ilse and all your RR friends for your attantion and lovely time around puppy-box! I was happy to be active part of this magic process "growing puppies" All adults RR I've met impressed me very much! I’m in love! Missing you all and hope to meet you again!
The 14 of February.
The air smells of spring and and all my dogs are very happy if days are sunny! And I enjoy their wild games on the nature.
Happy Valentine day to all my beloved brides! Kariba! Danaya ! Zemfira! VUANA! Caya! Kjara! Chillie! Shiny! Afrodita! Buffy! Lana! Dea! as well as all of my kids born from these unions !
the 30th of January 2014.
Chita found a common language with all of the our pack and have fun in the active walks through the snowy Sweden and resting after comfortably at home in our red gang
Kandy's rehabelitering.
Mating trip to CZ.
Chita and Titi are happy meted 3 times and now all fingers crossed. 4 wonderful days in the Czech Republic! Cold weather did not prevent us feel the warmth of your hearts! Katka and Marek! Thank you so much for your hospitality, for the wonderful time together with much talks and laugh for your tasty dinners and all your gifts (Willy sends a special appreciation for exclusive beer ), but more importantly, for your wonderful boy Titikaka! Well-mannered, and very handsome boy ! Chita and Titi realy like each other and we hope we will get news in 4 weks <3.
The 18th of January 2014.
Ave Caesar ABBA Dancing Queen new Champion of Latvia! She 's got BOS and her mum Podarok Is Afriki Bliss Bounty (Kjara) made her début i veteran class became best veteran and second best bitch (after her young daughter Abba. Congratulations to Natalia Petrovas and Niko Osskin. Your girls showed perfect result today!
the 3d and 4th of January 2014.
Lisi took part in international Dog Show My Dog 1. She 's got very good only. (judge MULDOON COLETTE) But I like how she worked my beautiful liver nose!
Next day MyDog2 Ex 3 i Jun class.(Judge NILSSON KURT)
1/01 2014.
Very pleasant news from Evergrace's kennel: Jenny Giannoglou one of breeders of Evergraces RR kennel reach a decision to keep one of Kandy's son for herself! Yes! I'm happy it happened again! Absolutely irresistible boy (mini-Kandy) by name Evergraces Kandy Crush Bosse inherited a beautiful heart and a wonderful character of his parents Buffy and Kandy what made intolerable a possibility to part with him! Here is a few pictures of Bosse!
thereby, he continued a nice villiage: almost every breeder who used Kandy wish to keep a pup <3 THANK YOU, girls!!! Kandy's way:
1. Natasha Ljalina (Ajani Kariba) kept one girl Airin
2. Elena Marjanovskaya (Tina Trading 3 matings) kept girl Bonni Taylor
3. Claudia Körner with her legendarisk Mavunguela's Vuana kept nowdays not less legendary Ndoki Etara Kiruna
Claudia Körner : You won`t find a better character in a Ridgeback than offspring from Kandy!!! I have Ridgebacks for more than 20 years, never ever saw better temperament! We are looking forward our Swedish half-brothers and sisters!
4. Makubenga - exception
5. my own litter. Jack took heart of Willy and stayed to the end with us.
6. Liv Sunniva Ugelstad with our warm and intimate Djungelkattens Coolridged Chillie. She kept our beloved LEGO (Coolridged Banjoko By Kalahari)
Liv Sunniva Ugelstad : Some Kandy-sons is just impossible to part with <3 ;) Looking forward to meet you Bosse!!! Love from Liv and half-brother Lego :)
7. Zita Filipejová with her gentle girl Shiny ( Tusani Jolly Joelin). They took new member in their family Kandy's daughter Nadira (AKANKE NADIRA KAWERIA)
8. Sveta Moroz asked about mating for the sole purpose - to keep daughter. And she did! Beautiful Maja.(Beauty Queen From Ridges Castle ) And the same positive impression about perfect temperament! <3
9.and now finally at Kandy's homeland. Jenny came with very special livernose girl Buffy ( Evergraces Reliable Radya). The boy was planed to move to Italy even got his name after one Italien kennel but this sweetheart as we said just stole the hearts of the family in which I was born and raised. We belive in Bosse's future! Good luck Jenny! At pictures bellow you can see this fantastic children I named here. Thank you all both breeders and RR children! Our Proud and happiness! You made this all filled with meaning!