Diary "Key"-litter
Diary "Key"-litter

now the intensity of events has increased.the puppies had their nails cut, their teeth grew, and they tried canned meat for baby dogs. They sleep for one hour in the fresh air, they receive a daily massage of their paws to increase their abilities, and they also have fun and playfully explore the world around them.

29/9 X RAy
27/9 51 day
22/9. day 47.
Selma is at 47 dag of her pregnancy and she moved to our hoouse now . Thank you Leila Landfors for your hospitaliy . Selma has confidently blended into our pack and she clearly likes the attention of everyone, including the two-legged. She is very gentle and easy to love and pamper. We have already collected a puppy box and she willingly rests there. and just as happily shares walks with our big flock