- Ave Caesar ALFA-litter was born the 21 of August after Maiden's Kalahari Kandy out of Podarok iz Afriki Bliss Bounty. 12 puppies of which 4 females and 8 males. (all black noses).
D.O.B: 24/3-2014
D.O.B: 9/4-2015
D.O.B: 28/10-2015
DOB: 7/2-2017
D.o.B. 1/6-2018
DOB: 20/7-2018
DOB: 28/12-2018
DOB: 23/08-2019
DOB: 02/02-2020
DOB: 07/10-2020
12. Ave Caesar "Life" - litter was born the 2 d of Januari 2021. After Echo To Maendeleo Of Cieply Dom out of Ave Caesar Fortunate Star (4 males / 6 females; 4 liver and 6 black noses) . Faoults: 2 females with extra crowns; 3 females ridgeless; 2 kink tales .
DOB: 02/01-2021
13. Ave Caesar "Mars-Venus"" - litter was born the 21st of feberuari 2021. After Ave Caesar Great Galaxy out of Elangeni's Friends In Hi Places (4 males / 6 females; ) . Faults: 1 female with extra crowns .
DOB: 21/02-2021
14. Ave Caesar "Never Say Never was born the 19 th of Aug 2021. After multi champion Ave Caesar Fabulous Fortune *MAXI*out of jRuch Ave Caesar Generous Gaia * Neema* (5 males / 4 females; ) . Faoults no found.
DOB: 19/08-2021
15. Ave Caesar "OBSESSION" -litter was born the 22 nd of dec 2022. After CH Ave Caesar Dark Obsession" out of muli champion Elangeni Friends In Hi Places *RUBI* (6 females ) .
DOB: 22/12-2022
16. Ave Caesar "Phoenix- litter was born the 1 d of Januari 2023. After Buggi Sambazi out of Ave Caesar Carnelian Jewel by Royce (4 males / 2 females;) .
DOB: 01/01-2023